My presentation on the life of Louisa May Alcott

I am pleased to present this 54 minute video presentation on my interpretation of the life of Louisa May Alcott, as told through her family.  As there would be no Jo March as we know her without Marmee, Mr. March, Meg, Beth, and Amy, there would be no Louisa May Alcott without Bronson, Abigail, Anna, Elizabeth, and May.

This talk was presented in Dec. 2021 at the Peter White Public Library in Marquette, Michigan and in March, 2022 at the Kutztown Community Library, Kutztown, PA. Here are some comments I received:

“Thank you so much for that presentation. It was wonderful.”
Jacqueline Sharayko, Assistant Director
Kutztown Community Library

“I loved the look on your face when you were talking about her at times – you have that affectionate smile that is really nice to see. We love her so much! You did a marvelous job, I learned a lot, too. I thought I I knew a lot about her but you did such a beautiful job. So glad I was able to tune in, thank you so much!”
Robin Stratton

“My wife and I very much enjoyed your presentation last night; we also learned a lot!  Thanks so much for sharing your passion for Louisa with all of us!”
Ken and Pam Betz

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Join me for a Zoom presentation on the life of Louisa May Alcott tonight, March 16.

I am giving my talk tonight, March 16, on the life of Louisa May Alcott at the Kutztown Community Library in PA from 6:30 to 7:30 EST via Zoom.

You can register by sending an email to

Visit for more information.

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Update: Chapter 3 first draft complete; Chapter 2 in the can

I haven’t given you an update since April of 2021 on my progress but I am pleased now to say that Chapter 2 has been edited and the first draft of Chapter 3 is complete.

Chapter 3 proved quite the challenge.  I covered the seven-month-long Fruitlands experiment (June, 1843 through January, 1844) and the Alcotts’ brief time in Still River before returning to Concord (January to October 1844).

Fruitlands, from 1919 and the present day.

“Brick Ends,” Still River, MA

512 fruitlands - gathering the grain
At Fruitlands, gathering the grain

It is no exaggeration to say that there is a mountain of information on this important yet short period in their lives. The Fruitlands era is difficult to understand, let alone write about succinctly. The only way that works for me is the immersion technique — take as many notes as I wish so as to be completely drenched in the philosophies, emotions and turmoil of that period, and then begin to consolidate before writing. Getting down the first draft synthesizes it further. The editing process will complete the trimming so that only what matters to the story of Lizzie comes through in the end. It is a draining, tedious, and yet exhilarating experience. You really have to love the process, and I do. I am so blessed that my various health problems interfere little with writing.

During this time, I had an opportunity to read a variety of stimulating books, from fiction, to spiritual, to academic, many of which I have reviewed for I revised an old practice of journaling as I read which is helping me to discover a bolder voice within. I believe that voice is emerging in Chapter 3.

BIO-Logo-itunesI have also found tremendous support in a round table group of women from Biographers International who are devoted to rediscovering the lives of forgotten women. We meet monthly for zoom meetings and discuss our work, and we email a lot in between. This group of accomplished, published authors has done much to build my confidence and chase away doubt.

cover smCertainly the inclusion of my essay in the recently published anthology, The Forgotten Alcott: Essays on the Artistic Legacy and Literary Life of May Alcott Nieriker (Routledge / Taylor & Francis Group) has done much embolden me as a writer. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would end up in a book with so many distinguished Alcott scholars! Or that anything I would write would end up in college and university libraries. As Amy Grant once sang, “Life is a curious thing!”

I begin today to assemble my research for Chapter 4 and the Hillside era. It is here where Lizzie speaks for the first time. I can hardly wait to immerse myself in her thoughts.

p.s. Your support has been phenomenal! I am deeply grateful to all of you for accompanying me on this grand journey.

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“Let Genius Burn” podcast explores the Alcott sisters

Jill Fuller and Jamie Burgess, creators and hosts of the “Let Genius Burn” podcast series, have been thoroughly immersed in the life and legacy of Louisa May Alcott for well over a year. The podcast debuted on July 12 and each week a new episode is released on Mondays. This week’s episode The podcasters focused on the Alcott sisters, discussing each one in depth, along with the relationship that sister shared with Louisa. Any Little Women fan knows how much Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy are derived from Anna, Louisa, Lizzie and May. Fuller and Burgess present many interesting (and lesser known) facts about the sisters along with penetrating insight into the sibling bond that made up this “Golden Band.”

Episode Two of “Let Genius Burn” focuses on the Alcott sisters.

I was most impressed with the presentation on Lizzie. Referring to her by the name to which she was referred within the family instead of addressing her as “Beth” told me right away that Fuller and Burgess would take Lizzie seriously. While her illness and death are the most notable aspects of her short life, Fuller and Burgess took care to speculate on what Lizzie meant to Louisa. Their analysis of Louisa’s poem, “The Angel in the House,” was especially interesting.

I highly recommend listening to this entire series. You can find it at

An Update on the Lizzie Biography

Chapter Two is in the can, and I am now working on Chapter Three  . . . Fruitlands . . .

Lizzie Alcott’s story told in quilts

I saw this article on a quilting blog and thought you might find it interesting. I wish I knew more about quilts and the significance of their design but perhaps some of you can offer help in your comments.

Here is the article:

Hands All Around #5: Star Puzzle for Elizabeth Alcott

Block #5 Star Puzzle by Becky Brown

A block for Elizabeth (Peabody) Sewall Alcott, the quiet sister.  The puzzle may be: “How could anyone be quiet in that family?”

 Elizabeth (Peabody) Sewall Alcott (1835-1858) 
Crayon (chalk) portrait by Caroline Negus Hildreth 1857
Collection of Orchard House

Continue reading:

First draft of Chapter 2 completed!

I am pleased to announce that I have completed the first draft of chapter 2 which focuses on the Alcott family’s first home in Concord. This was a fun chapter to write as there was much to say about the sisters. There are a couple of revealing letters from Bronson to Lizzie plus reminiscences from Lizzie’s best friend and next-door neighbor at the time, Lydia Hosmer.

Concordia (aka Dove Cote) courtesy of the Louisa May Alcott Memorial Society

Now that I have finally figured out the methodology for writing this book (and that has taken years as I am teaching myself), the writing goes along much faster. And as I edit, I learn new things — how will I make this book read like a novel rather than just a regurgitating of facts? What words and methods will I use to make the reader feel Lizzie’s story? And how will I make this story interesting to readers who are not familiar with the Alcotts and Little Women?

They say the writing is the best part of being an author (even over being published). I agree — I love this process! I’m still pinching myself that I am retired and get to do this every day. Life is good!

Another stab at fiction – Father, sisters and childhood from Lizzie’s point of view

This is a series of scenes that I wrote for fun a few years ago. Sometimes I wish I didn’t work so slowly! I hope I stay healthy long enough to write a novel as well as a biography. I really love taking Lizzie’s point of view and seeing life as I imagine it through her eyes. But I can always write scenes. 🙂

This is the first draft.

Memories of Father

My first memory was of his face. It was a kind face with blue eyes like still pools, and I could see myself in them. Such a sweet countenance, one I could look at from morning till night. It broke into a smile, and a quiet voice spoke my name: “Elizabeth.” My arms shot up in an instant, hoping he would lift me.  He granted my wish, and as I snuggled close to his chest, he looked into my face and kissed my cheek with tenderness. I giggled, the lovesick babe that I was, and ran my fingers through his silky blond hair. He’d always let me explore his face with my hands. I’d touch the pronounced yet noble nose which I later realized resembled mine, the decided chin, and those lips that spoke in sweet and soothing tones.

Father loved to tell of how he would take me from my crib in the late evening and tiptoe down the stairs so as not to awaken Mother, who was exhausted from her duties around the house. He’d lay me in the cradle next to the fireplace in the parlor, quiet and empty after a busy day. It was Father’s favorite time to ponder great spiritual mysteries and write about them in his journal. He described how he would carry me around the room, amused and transfixed by the expressions on my face as I marveled at the dancing orange and yellow flames in the fireplace and the flickering shadows that made the statues and pictures in the room come alive.

“My dear Elizabeth,” he would say, “you are the key. Inside of you is the secret to everything I have been searching for. Beautiful flame, yet more beautiful gazer …” and I heard a sigh of contentment that matched my own.

I never understood much of what my father said, but I didn’t have to. All we had to do was just to be together. We saw each other so clearly through the blue eyes that we shared. We shared many things: soft voices, a love of flowers, plants, and trees, the craving for stillness and order, and the ability to be content, wherever we might be.


My sisters, Louie and Annie, were not quiet. And I couldn’t wait to be able to run after them and join in their fun.

“Lizzie, come here,” Louie said one day. “Look at what I have for you.”

She pointed to a stack of building blocks in the middle of the floor of Father’s study. “Ohh!” I said, looking at all those colorful blocks. Louie and Annie smiled in an impish sort of way as they saw my eyes grow round, and a smile spread quickly on my face. They knew how much I loved pretty things. After running over to take possession of my newfound treasure, I plopped down on the floor and started to play, examining each block and then stacking them as high as they could go. I could hear my sisters whispering and giggling in the background, but I didn’t pay any attention to them.

“Annie, here, take these books,” said Louie.

“What are we going to do?”

“You’ll see …”

A wall of books grew around me on all sides, but I didn’t care. The blocks were so pretty. I set them all in a perfect row and ran my pudgy finger over each one, up and down the little bumps and crevices created by some magical toymaker. I picked one up and pressed it close to my nose — Mmmmm! I wanted to make a castle out of them where princesses lived, just like in the stories I’d hear from Mother. A staircase appeared, leading to a window, and I walked my fingers up to the window, thinking of a beautiful princess with the wind blowing through her hair as she leaned out the window.

“Look at her! She doesn’t even care that we’ve built a fortress around her,” I heard Louie say.

Annie giggled. “She can’t take her eyes off those blocks. Don’t you think, though, we should leave a way for her to get out?”

“Oh no, where’s the fun in that?” Let’s see how long it takes for her to beg us to let her out.”

Flickr Creative Commons Artful Magpie Building Blocks

I don’t have any idea how long I played with those blocks. The room was warm, and as the light of day faded, I soon found my head drooping. Curling up around the rows and stacks of blocks, I settled in for a nap, curling up just like my kittens. I tried to purr, puckering my mouth just so, but all that came out were puffs of air, so I mewed softly to myself instead.

I awoke with a start at the sound of my name. “Elizabeth? Elizabeth, where are you? Girls, where is your sister?”

Sitting up, I rubbed my eyes to see a stack of books come tumbling down with a big crash. My sisters peered in, smiling but looking guilty too.

“Lizzy, there you are, my darling, come to Mar Mar,” and my mother’s strong arms lifted me off the ground. “What happened here?” And she turned to look at Annie and Louie.

Annie looked down at the ground. “We’re sorry, Marmee.” She cast a quick glance at Louie, who then piped up, “We thought it would be fun to build a fortress around our little princess! Lizzy, you didn’t mind at all, did you?”

Holding up a block I had clutched when Marmee picked me up, I smiled.

Marmee always marveled at how I could never stop smiling. “Why Lizzy, you smile on everything as if love was as cheap as dirt,” she’d say. It’s true. I was blessed with an even temperament, much like Father’s. It just seemed like the inside of my soul was one beautiful garden full of buttercups, daisies, and violets gently bending with the breeze. As a child, the stirrings inside were gentle, never violent; hills and valleys were not steep, and storms would quickly pass. I took great pleasure in watching the world go by and then turning over in my mind all that I had seen.

Big sis, little sis

Annie was like me; we both loved to dream. Sitting close to her, she would brush my long hair before bedtime, and we’d pretend to be angels, flapping our “wings” and giggling. She would tell me things that Father had told her, especially about the Good Man who loved children and the poor. I looked at my favorite picture on the wall of Jesus blessing and kissing the little children, and I wanted to spread my wings and fly right up to that picture and kiss His cheek.

By Unknown author – The story of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, Public Domain,

Sometimes I’d find Annie sitting quietly and looking at me as I organized my blocks, placed all the seashells I collected in a perfect row, or put my dollies to bed, giving each one of them a gentle pat and a kiss. She was like a second mother to me, teaching me my lessons when Father was away and showing me how to take good care of the house just like Marmee did. We both considered it a great privilege to straighten up Marmee’s room, making sure the bed was carefully made, plumping the pillows so that she could sink her head into them at the end of a long day. The bureau with all its trinkets was carefully dusted, each item put in its place. I admit there were times when we’d both stand in front of the mirror, taking her combs and trying to pile our long hair on top of our heads. Mine was so straight and slippery! Annie’s hair had some curl, so she could manage to make a nice bun out of it. “How’s this?” she’d say, and I always told her, “You look so grown up, just like Marmee!”=

Tomboy Louie

Louie was a different sort, so full of fire and energy. There was never a day she didn’t come home from playing at the Hosmer’s with a bump on the head, cuts on her knees, or mud all over her dress. Mother refused to buy her girls’ shoes and made her wear boy’s boots; she clumped around happily in them! She could make anything exciting and loved to tell of her adventures. I envied how bold Louie was; she would try anything! My body wasn’t as strong as hers, so I was afraid to climb the tall trees as she did (the crab apple tree was fine with me). She’d climb to the very top and entice me with tales of seeing all of Concord and Walden Pond. “Come on, Lizzie, you can do it!” she’d say, and at that moment, I’d wish I really was a fairy so I could fly right up there with her. And how she could roll hoops! I could roll the little ones, but she could roll hoops taller than herself. In fact, she could roll hoops better than any boy on the block and would never call any boy her friend until she beat him at hoop rolling. That Cyrus Hosmer, he’d always daring her to try things, and she’d do them, just to prove how tough she was. Why he even dared her to climb to the top of the barn and jump down. She was unceremoniously carried home in a wheelbarrow with two sprained ankles, beaming with satisfaction.

Louie told wonderful stories, especially at night with the lights out, spinning tales of ghosts, witches, and goblins. She’d get Annie going, and Annie would add princesses whisked away by evil princes on horseback. With mouth open, leaning forward, I would drink in every word. I knew I could never tell stories as they did, but that didn’t matter. It was a privilege to be their audience.


I’ll never forget when Baby came to us. At first, she had no hair, but it was a mass of blond curls when it grew in. Father called her his little Queen. They named her Abby May, and she looked just like the cherub Father would describe to us, round and golden with rosy cheeks. Annie was so lucky; she got to take care of her when she began to walk. I wanted that job but knew I wasn’t old enough.

Flickr Creative Commons, Shawn Ford crayons 5

Abby loved to draw, and from the moment she could pick up a pencil or a crayon, she’d scribble on something, whatever was around. She’d even draw with her fingers on the floor. Making mud pies with her was the most fun. She’d squeal, digging into the dirt and using the water from the brook to mold it like clay into all sorts of interesting shapes. I couldn’t make those shapes, but I loved the feel of the moist dirt against my hands, lifting up a handful and taking in the sweet scent. I knew Marmee would scold us for getting our dresses so dirty, but I’d help with the scrubbing; it was the least I could do.

A day in the life of Lizzie Alcott … a fiction approach

At one time I considered writing Lizzie’s story as historical fiction. In that way I could go into her head and heart in a deeper way and speculate to my heart’s desire.

The problem is I have no idea how to write fiction. I never even read fiction. I have a feeling I would be a slave to the facts when the story in fact, is paramount.

But, I did try to write a couple of scenes. Here’s one I wrote several years ago. In reading this scene, it makes me want to try some more, just to get the words to flow.

The setting for this scene is Boston in 1852.

A thick fog veiled the city in mist. It chilled Louisa as she walked down the street in long strides, swerving to avoid the endless stream of bodies at every turn. As she fingered the few pennies in her purse, a sigh escaped from her lips. A flicker of warmth permeated her body as she imagined the dear faces, but it soon dissipated. There was no victory today. Continue reading “A day in the life of Lizzie Alcott … a fiction approach”

A new book on Lizzie Alcott needs a new work place – planning my writing room

I spent some time over Christmas break beefing up my writing room. The room had previously worked when I wrote my spiritual memoir a few years back. The organization of that book was simple and I’d write on my tablet in a comfy chair and not have to worry about having a lot of space.

It is so different this time around! There are piles of books and papers everywhere. My mind is in overdrive and my emotions raw. The words I have set down so far present a confusing and unfocused account. The story that is so clear in my mind lacks continuity on the screen. I vacillate between being a storyteller, a journalist (“just the facts”) and a lawyer arguing a case. It’s all so chaotic at times. Continue reading “A new book on Lizzie Alcott needs a new work place – planning my writing room”

Beginning the book on Elisabeth Sewall Alcott, and taking you on the journey

I have begun work at last on a biography of Elisabeth* Sewall Alcott; she is best known as the real life prototype of Beth March of Little Women, written by her older sister, Louisa May Alcott. After spending nearly 8 years researching her life, I am ready to write about it.

Diary of a biography

Writing such a book can take years to complete and the enormity of the task is overwhelming at times. This plus the fact that I am learning so many interesting aspects of writing biography inspired me to create this diary so that you can share in the experience. As I work through the steep learning curve of writing this book, I am hoping these posts will offer information that aspiring biographers will find helpful. It is also a way to hold myself accountable to you – to work in a disciplined manner and to keep you updated on the progress of the book.

Continue reading “Beginning the book on Elisabeth Sewall Alcott, and taking you on the journey”